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Wooden Hut

Parent & Caregiver Education

In these workshops, I explain what the sexuality education curriculum is and how the different topics and concepts will be addressed and taught to their children. The latter part of the workshop, I share strategies, communication tips, and teach parents & caregivers how to scaffold conversations around sexuality so that they can have ongoing conversations around sexuality and relationships with their children as they grow up.

Teen Small Group Workshops

Sometimes parents want their teens to get real life advice around sex, consent, and relationships from a trusted adult. I provide customizable education around the topics of digital safety and sexuality, body image, healthy relationships, gender identity, drugs and alcohol, how to define and communicate personal values, signs of coercive sex, sexual decision making, and whatever else comes up-- all from the comforts of your home.  These are generally organized like fireside chats or a movie night with teens inviting their friends to join these fun, frank, and fear free conversations.

Happy Couple
College Friends

School Workshops & Assemblies

Sometimes schools want a certain issue related to sexuality addressed campus wide and want students to receive actionable information at the same time. I can provide assembly-style workshops especially if you’re looking to address issues of boundaries and consent, gender & sexual identity, signs of healthy/unhealthy relationships & friendships, sexual literacy & sexual ethics, media & porn literacy, sexual harrassment & sexual assault, bystander intervention, drug & alcohol use, abuse, and prevention, and sexual decision making.  All workshops include a combination of presentation, interaction, and discussion.

Classroom Presentations

I provide age-appropriate, medically-accurate and trauma-informed sexuality education for students  4th-12th grade. Classroom presentations are all gender, student centered and facilitated in classrooms with a member of your school staff present. The topics and content are informed by the National Sexuality Education Standards (2012) and include puberty, reproduction, STI & pregnancy prevention, communication, healthy boundaries and consent, healthy relationships, gender identity, body image, the media and its influence, and digital safety.

Teacher and Blackboard
Notebook and Pen

Development & Guidance

I can help you build a comprehensive sexuality education curriculum that meets the needs of your  program and population. I can collaborate with you to help you choose from resources that are readily available, answer questions about what is age  appropriate around topics of puberty and sexuality education, and healthy relationships.

Caregiver Consults

Sometimes parents, caregivers and families need a little extra support talking about sex and sexuality or supporting their kids around these topics. I can help your family open up communication about dating, sexual boundaries, sexual consent, sexual identity and creating a shared value system.

Session in Progress
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